09 July 2013

Microsoft Word vs Adobe InDesign

Microsoft Word has been around a long time. I use it all the time. And why not? It's a great, user-friendly interface for typing college papers, recipes, and pretty much any other text processing. 

Adobe InDesign is still somewhat new to me. I first used it in Computers and the Humanities (CHum) 230 at BYU. We learned program and design basics. For class projects we designed flyers, a printed book (a diary of some kind - text heavy), and a photo book. In my senior editing course we used InDesign to format and layout an academic journal of our own design. Since graduating, I have used it to create countless flyers and web announcements for my job. I've also used it to layout the Graduate Student Handbook.

When it comes to typing up papers and editing text, Word is the way to go.
For all your formatting and design needs, choose InDesign.

Last night I completed an editing test for a prospective employer. THIRTY pages of an editing test. The text itself wasn't that bad. The formatting was atrocious. The test was a job proposal and there were sections, tables, columns, and all sorts of goodies for me to fix. It wasn't hard but it was tedious.

I kept telling Tyson that I wanted to copy all the text and reformat it into InDesign - which I have on my computer!! I didn't though because I wasn't getting paid for that. Just the editing. Ugh. At 2am I finally finished. 

I am SO glad I completed the editing minor at BYU because without it I would be stuck feeling frustrated at Word's shortcomings and feeling trapped by not knowing I had other options for easier, more consistent formatting.

Long live Adobe InDesign!

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