23 April 2011

Sister Messer

One of my best friends is serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Orlando, Florida. I miss her a whole bunch. I'm lucky that I'm allowed to email her because I am a terrible letter writer. So, I email her, she writes me back.
I love to get a letter from her in the mail. She usually doodles on the envelope, or writes cute things, or, like this week, will write her P.S.s (because there are usually multiple) on the envelope. She is so good at writing letters. She will write me four-page letters every week! I'm so spoiled! She informed me on the envelope of this week's letter that I should feel very loved because I am the only person that gets a personalized letter every week. And you know what? It does make me feel special. I know that missionaries are busy and their time is precious. I know that she will always write to her family because they mean the world to her. To know that I am next on that list makes me feel like a superstar!
It's hard having her live far away but she'll be back in a year. I have to think of it in milestones, otherwise a year sounds too long. I will graduate, have a baby, go to D-Land for my birthday, go to CA for Christmas, and then it'll be only 4 months until she comes back to P-town. Her mission seems to be going by a lot slower than my other friend's mission did. That being said, while friend 2 was gone I went on a study abroad and got married so that pretty took up her whole 18 months. I'm sure once the baby gets here time will FLY.
I can't wait for "my missionary" (hahaha) to get back. I am so proud of her and all the things she is learning. She is a wonderful example to me and I love her oh, so much.
I love you, Sister Messer!!

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